
Download basil.js

The basil.js latest stable release: basil.js relase on GitHub

Download the bundle above and follow the steps in our installation guide at our tutorials section.

Cheatsheets and References

The basil.js cheatsheet: basiljs_cheatsheet_v2_02.pdf

The basil.js InDesign Object Model: basiljs-IOM-0.2.pdf

The basil.js b.typo cheatsheet: basiljs_typo_cheatsheet_v2_01.pdf

Source code

Please note that basil.js is provided as open-source under the MIT License.

Designers and developers who are interested in the “bleeding edge” are welcome to use our Git repository at (develop branch)

Deprecated basil.js versions can still be downloaded from Github:

Please contact us on GitHub for pull and feature requests.

Change log

+ new
* changed
- removed

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basil.js x.x.x DAY MONTH YEAR

+ basil works without the b. prefix now
+ function draw() works without b.go() now, function loop() replaces b.loop()
+ User settings (units, anchor point etc.) are now saved before and restored after script execution
+ Added mode() to set performance modes (VISIBLE, HIDDEN, SILENT) during script execution
+ Added frameRate() to set frame rate during looping scripts
+ Added transform() function to transform page items independent of the current matrix
  and to measure current transforms of page items
+ Added point(), quad() and triangle() to draw the corresponding shapes
+ Added referencePoint() function to set the reference point for transform()
+ Added file() and folder()
  gets files and folders or creates them
+ Added files()
  gets all files of a folder
+ Added selectFile(), selectFiles() and selectFolder()
  opens a selection dialog to select files or folders
+ Added applyParagraphStyle(), applyCharacterStyle(), applyObjectStyle(),
  set the style of a text object/page item.
  see examples/typography/styles.jsx
+ Added applyMasterPage()
  applies a master page to a page
+ Added masterPage()
  activates and returns a master page
+ Added arrange()
  allows to arrange page items or layers in z-space
+ Added property()
  sets a property of an object to a given value
+ Added graphics() to loop over graphics in a given container
+ Added textStyleRanges() to loop over text style ranges in a given container
+ Added swatch()
  returns a color or gradient of a given name
+ Added revert()
  reverts the document to a fresh state
  holds the name of the current script
+ Added isInteger()
  checks if a given variable is an integer

* translate(), rotate() and scale() now behave like they do in Processing and change the current matrix
* basil scripts will by default use the user's default units or the current units of the document,
  as well as the transformation reference point set by the user
* text() can be used to place text into shapes or as text paths on graphic lines
* image() now allows to place images into text frames as well
* canvasMode() behaves a lot more reliable now
  FACING_PAGES, FACING_MARGINS, FACING_BLEEDS, fixed for 3+ page spreads
  BLEED, MARGIN, FACING_MARGINS, FACING_BLEEDS, fixed for single page in facing_pages mode
  all modes work now for margins or bleeds of different sizes
  resetMatrix() does not reset the canvas mode anymore
* performance constants are called VISIBLE, HIDDEN and SILENT now and are used together with the new mode() function
* rect() now allows additional parameters to add rounded corners
* paragraphStyle(), characterStyle() and objectStyle() are expanded:
  They can now get an applied style from a text object/page item and can
  make use of an optional object with property name/value pairs to set
  the properties of the style.
* inspect() has been completely reworked:
  Much faster, especially for complex objects.
  Nicer presentation of results (tree style).
  Options to show or hide properties, values and/or methods.
  Option to show only certain properties.
  Lots of minor fixes.
* page(), pageNumber() and removePage() now also accept page name strings as parameters
* pageCount() can now also be used to set the doc's page count
* previousPage() and nextPage() now work as expected
* when drawing closed vertex paths, endShape() instead of beginShape() now takes the
  CLOSE constant as argument
* println() and print() can now print multiple parameters to console
* trimWord() now correctly trims all punctuation from word borders
* text() now respects the currently set rectangle mode
* rectMode() now works with RADIUS
* Improved the speed of clear() considerably
* textFont() does no longer stop the script if a font is missing, but gives a console warning instead
* isText() now correctly identifies collections of multiple text objects as text
  (Characters, Words, Lines etc.)
* size() now can use existing page size presets as a parameter with an optional
  second parameter for page orientation (introducing PORTRAIT and LANDSCAPE)
* duplicate() now duplicates page items reliably in place, even when in FACING canvas modes
* selection() can now be used to set the selection
* label() can now be used to assign a label to a page item
* Updated categories and sub-categories of many functions to better align to Processing/p5.js categories
  or – in case of non-Processing functions – to better reflect the InDesign categories they belong to
* Changed all include/includepath/targetengine statements from # to //@
  This allows linting with eslint of all files
* Linted all the test files
* Changed the location of the basil.js library from `~/Documents/basiljs/bundle/basil.js` to `~/Documents/basiljs/basil.js` in all the example files.
The user is allowed to have his files wherever he wants.
* bounds() now correctly measures bounds in different canvas modes(MARGIN/BLEED etc.)

- b.go() and b.loop() are removed (use function draw() or function loop() instead)
- b.itemX(), b.itemY(), b.itemWidth(), b.itemHeight(), b.itemPosition() and b.itemSize() are removed
  and replaced by the new transform() function
- b.transformImage() is removed as it can be replaced by the new transform function()
- b.storyCount() is removed (use stories(doc()).length instead)
- and Array.filter() are removed
- b.Random.nextGaussian() is removed

Special thanks to Hartmut Bohnacker for making the transform functions work in Processing style!

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basil.js 1.1.0 - 11 November 2016

+ Added b.size() to set and get the document size
+ Added b.gradient() to great colourful gradients
+ Added b.gradientMode() to set gradient type b.LINEAR or b.RADIAL
+ Added b.placeholder() to fill a textFrame with random placeholder text
+ Added b.LOREM constant holding a lorem ipsum string
+ Added npm script for better tooling and development
  npm run watch
  npm run release (insert timestamp + version string in first line of bundle)
  npm run bundle (without timestamp + version string)
+ Added .eslintrc file (linting rules) to reflect current coding style

* The basil.js file is bundled from /src to a single file:
  It is no longer required to have the basil.js file at a certain path.
  Break out with your project folders to any location w/o breaking things!
* Entire source code is linted, wrong line breaks fixed
* Source code reorganised to /src folder
* Readme files updated to acknowledge new contributors

* Bugfix: b.color("colorName") error when using resulting color in b.fill() twice
* Bugfix: b.layer() did not set active layer to given argument
* Bugfix: b.image() error/warning handling if incomplete arguments
* Bugfix: b.isText() did not work for instances of Text
* Bugfix: b.words(), b.lines() etc. were broken
* Bugfix: b.objectStyle(), b.characterStyle() and b.paragraphStyle() were broken

Shout outs to Timo Rychert and Fabian Morón Zirfas!
This release is entirely based on your hard work!
Many thanks for this massive contributions!

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basil.js 1.0.10 -

+ Added package.json definition
* Changed versioning scheme to npm style

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basil.js 1.09 -

+ Added installer scripts for OS X and Windows
* Added some better error reporting for null objects
* Minor bug fixes

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basil.js 1.08 - 11 November 2013

+ Added b.arc() by Ken Frederick, cheers mate!
+ Added b.weekday(), b.timestamp() and b.millisecond()
* Fixed output to progress panel
* Added auto save to MODEHIDDEN
* Added 15s timeout to loadStrings via TCP/IP
* Improved error reporting
* Bugfix to b.addStory()
* Changed default folder for to data/

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basil.js 1.07-experimental - 22 October 2013

* Fixed buggy b.noise()
* Urgent bug fix to b.color() and others

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basil.js 1.06-experimental - 21 October 2013

* Internal refactorings (split basil.js into many includes)
* Changed to FAST_ENTIRE_SCRIPT execution mode

Please note that this release is still experimental.

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basil.js 1.05 - 9 October 2013

* Bugfix to b.endShape()
* Bugfix to b.loadString() and,
  now supports more than one GET parameter
* changed default anchor to center for transforms with line()
* internal safety improvements

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basil.js 1.04 - 23 September 2013
+ added b.addShape() in order to create multi-component shapes with b.vertex();

+ added b.nameOnPage(), get a pageitem on the active page by name.
  see examples/document/nameOnPage.jsx

+ added Downloads an URL to a file, currently Mac only.
  see examples/output/download.jsx

+ added b.shellExecute(), currently Mac only.
  see examples/input/shellExecute.jsx

+ added and b.ungroup()
+ added b.isURL() validator checker function
+ added string helpers b.endsWith() and b.startsWith()
+ added b.projectPath() to get the folder of the active document
+ added b.saveString() to save a singe string to a file

* Extended loadString() and loadStrings() to handle URLs. Happy GET URL!
  see examples/input/loadStringURL.jsx

* all export functions can handle now sub-folders
  e.g. exportPNG("swiss/basel/snap.png")

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basil.js 1.03 - 3 July 2013
* added missing support for layer and stroke settings to b.image()
+ added b.savePNG()

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basil.js 1.02 - 3 June 2013

* fixed a bug with b.constrain()
* added constraints for b.color() and b.fill(), where illegal channel
  values would previously produce strange results

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basil.js 1.01 - 23 May 2013

+ added b.transform() and b.matrix()
+ added b.remove() for the removal of objects
+ added b.duplicate() for duplicating page items and pages
+ added b.label() and b.selection() as single item alternatives
+ added demos to examples folder
* changed default image fit behaviour to FitOptions.FILL_PROPORTIONALLY
* corrected credits for the processing.js team
* Several JSDOC updates and updated reference on website

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basil.js 1.00 - 28 Feb 2013

First public release!

+ new functions to work conveniently with stories (indesign model of linked
  content or many textframes), e.g. b.addToStory(), b.storyCount() ...
  see: examples/document/story.jsx

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basil.js 0.22 - 25 Feb 2013

  HIDDEN is very handy for working with large files, as the document is
  processed completely in background, performance is a lot better.

* Changes for b.go().
  You can switch between the computation modes via b.go( b.MODESILENT ),
  b.go( b.MODEHIDDEN ) and b.go( b.MODEVISIBLE ). If b.go() is called
  without a paramter, then the default mode MODESILENT is used.

Special thanks to be:screen GmbH for the new computation modes and
performance optimization!

+ new functions for creating shapes. you can create arbitrary lines,
  bezier curves, polygones with beginShape(), endShape() and vertex()

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basil.js 0.21 - 21 Dec 2012

basil.js goes semi public with a private beta release

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basil.js pre 0.21 - May to Dec 2012

basil.js is developed over the Summer by Ted Davis, Benedikt Groß,
Stefan Landsbek and Ludwig Zeller.

Special thanks to Stefan Landsbek for the inital code architecture!